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Math is Not the Devil

Math is Not the Devil

Math is Not the Devil     I have been tutoring math for about 20 years now.  When I am meeting students for the first time, I am often told “I Hate Math” or “I am horrible at math”.  It is amazing how people label themselves and give themselves an...
Learning to Appreciate Math

Learning to Appreciate Math

Learning to Appreciate Math   Math is a difficult and frustrating subject for many of us.  For some it’s difficult to do at all, let alone understand.  For others, such as myself, understanding how to do the problems we’re given in class is easy but...
Dealing with the Test Stress

Dealing with the Test Stress

Dealing with the Test Stress Tests and quizzes are staples of academic life. They’re also the bane of every student’s existence. For some, test anxiety is a powerful motivator to study effectively and succeed. For the many, however, the anxiety can be extremely...
How do you learn?

How do you learn?

How do you learn?   Everybody learns differently. Maybe you’ve noticed you prefer lectures to drawing diagrams. Or perhaps you learn better when you take notes versus doing a project. Whatever the case you are likely within one of these three categories of...
Physical Activity and Academic Success

Physical Activity and Academic Success

Physical Activity and Academic Success As mentioned in a previous post, physical activity can play an important role in motivation in school and academic success. Back in 2003 there was a study conducted using students in a second grade class in Hawaii. Just before...