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Prepping for the ACT

The ACT can be such a looming task for most students.  We can’t really help you with that.  But we can hopefully make the preparation a bit easier!  This week we’ll be providing a few tips and tricks to help students take on the daunting challenge of...

What’s the Point of Math?

Math classes are the worst.  The lessons are confusing, the equations are tedious, and it seems almost completely useless.  Rarely do you come across an individual who actually enjoys math.  So why are we practically forced to do it throughout our...

How to celebrate Black History Month

For those who are not aware, February is Black History Month!  This month seems to be flying by, which is why we’re a bit late with this post. But before the month is over, we’d like to encourage each of you to do something in celebration of Black history. ...

5 things I’ve learned from the pandemic

We are living through a major, historical event and it is exhausting.  It’s annoying to have to deal with wearing a mask everywhere, it’s difficult to not see family and friends as often as we may like, not to mention the stress of dealing with the political...

Major Events of 1521: 500 Years Ago

It’s incredible to see how far humanity has come as the centuries go by. This week we’d like to start a new series on our blog in which we will periodically discuss major events that have occurred over the centuries. For this first round we will be discussing five of...

10 Book Recommendation to Kick Start the Year

As we move into a new year, we’re all hoping for a fresh start. Goals are being made, resolutions are being set, and everyone’s hoping to kick 2021 off with positive feelings and excitement.  In light of this, we’ve decided to make a list of book recommendations to...

4 Reasons to Try New Things

2020 has invited some life reflection for each of us.  Routines have been difficult to maintain and many have chosen to abandon occupations they have had for years, while others have been forced to do so.  With all of this chaos going on, perhaps we should all take...

Why you should journal

I am so bad at journaling.  It’s something I’ve often made goals to do but I can never seem to find my groove.  Despite my lack of dedication, however, there are many reasons why everyone should prioritize journaling regularly.  This week we’d like to...