Benefits of Tutoring

School is hard.  Some people may be blessed with the ability to succeed on their personal powers alone, but most need a bit of help.  At Coral Sands Academy we provide a great tutoring program for those who need that little extra assistance.  But is tutoring worth it for you? This week we plan to…

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Pioneers of Education: Part II

This upcoming weekend residents of Utah will be celebrating their second big holiday of the month, Pioneer Day.  The 24th of July represents the day when the pioneers to the west first arrived in the state.  Of course, there are all types of pioneers in all sorts of different areas.  Two years ago we discussed…

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Enjoying the Simple Things: Guarding Against Anxiety

About two weeks ago we discussed the online readathon, Jane Austen July.  Of course, not everyone is going to be intrigued by such an event.  Many people don’t care for Jane Austen, some prefer to avoid reading classics, and others may not consider themselves readers at all.  All are valid reasons to not take part…

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