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Tutoring: Options and Benefits

Tutoring in any form provides a great opportunity for students to get caught up, gain more clarification on information learned in class, and further challenge themselves academically if desired.  Many people, however, are unsure where to turn for the best experience.  This week we will be focusing on the benefits of both face to face and online tutoring options, as well as what precisely the benefits of tutoring are in general.

Face to Face

Nothing can compare to the benefits of working face to face and one on one.  Using this medium, students are enabled to develop a stronger relationship with their tutor. This provides a positive atmosphere that encourages learning and accelerated progress.

There are also some benefits involved with face to face tutoring that may appeal to parents, particularly if they are not very technologically inclined.  Parents are able to observe a tangible experience that they can understand and take part in more effectively if so desired.


The main thing that draws people to online tutoring is that it’s inexpensive and flexible.  Because the tutor is not required to travel, the student can have access to them whenever it is convenient for the student.  There are also many options available online that use algorithms to match a tutor to the needs of the student.  This allows the parents and students to know that they are working with someone who they can trust to be an effective tutor for them.  Many sites also allow students and parents to meet the tutor beforehand to assure themselves that they are the best choice.

The benefits of including technology in any learning experience are more evidently included in online tutoring.  Many children are more comfortable being tutored online rather than in person.  Working online also allows tutors to use technological resources to teach in a more efficient manner.  Additionally, students can save lessons and re-watch them later, allowing them to learn more at their own pace.

In General

Tutoring can not only help to clarify what is learned in the classroom; it can also encourage students to learn on their own.  Receiving tutoring outside of the classroom has been proven to improve attitudes toward learning as well as increase self-esteem and confidence.  People just feel better when they learn new things.  They’re able to gain a better perspective of themselves and a more fleshed out perspective of the world around them.

Tutoring also encourages a sense of responsibility and respect for the learning experience.  Because tutoring is focused on the individual student, they have more control over how things are learned and at what pace.  This not only helps with current academic needs but can also benefit them in preparing for college as their study habits will improve.

No matter what option you choose, tutoring is a great way to help students become active learners.  Even if a student does well, tutoring can create an opportunity for them to challenge themselves and develop a greater love for education.  Take time to consider your options.  Tutoring has the potential to make a huge difference in a student’s life if used effectively.


Benefits of Tutoring. (2018, September 10). Retrieved April 6, 2019, from

Benefits of Tutoring – How Does Tutoring Help Students? (n.d.). Retrieved April 6, 2019, from

Online Tutoring vs Traditional Tutoring | Growing Stars. (2019, January 10). Retrieved April 6, 2019, from

Reporters, T. (2017, December 15). 10 ways online maths tutors are better than in-person help. Retrieved April 6, 2019, from